Wednesday, 7 May 2014


DHCP Process using DORA

DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
This protocol is used to gives out IP addresses to devices that connects to it with the process below.
More than 2 Billion use the internet and to access the internet you need IP(Internet Protocol) address not only to connect the internet but to connect a network this can be LANs/WANs/MANs and it will be a slow process to set up each IP address manually to each device that you need to connect to a network and this is where DHCP comes in to take over the manpower and make it easier for us.

- Discover
- Offer
- Request
- Acknowledge

Network Definition

Two or more devices communicating

Joins two or more Network's together.

Local Area Network
Multiple Devices connected via one Switch/Router
i.e. Classroom, Small building society

Home Area Network

Wide Area Network
Two or more LAN's connected together
This Network can b spread through cities

Metropolitan Area Network
Two or more WAN's connected together
This Network can be spread through countries.

Personal Area Network

Storage Area Network
Network providing storage via Disk Arrays, Tape Drives

How to Set Up Server 2003 Videos


HDD - Hard Disk Drive - A mechanical Drive with multiple platters storing your data.

FDD - Floppy Disk Drive - Magnetic Disk maximum storage of 1.44 MB

UFD - Universal Flash Drive - This can be a normal USB

SSD - Solid State Drive - Special Flash Storage called NAND, very fast but expensive (More reliable and less power consumption)

SSHD - Solid State Hybrid Drive - Typically like HDD but has a flash based cache. Still the same speed of a HDD. You don't see much difference in the naked eye.

O/D - Optical Drive - CD, DVD, Blu-ray.

External Hard Drive - Like HDD with mechanical drive but its portable and can be connected via USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 or eSATA. It won't as fast as a Internal Hard Drive because of SATA connector.

Desktop Drive - External Drive needs power from the power socket.
Portable Drive - External Drive can be USB Charged.

Unicast, Broadcast, Multicast

One to One
You and One of your friends communicating

One to Everyone
You communicating to the world i.e. Twitter.

One to Specific Group
You communicating to your group of friends i.e. Facebook Friends.

CompTIA A+ Acronyms

Note: Ctrl+F to find a Acronyms easily
  1. CD - Compact Disk
  2. CD-ROM - Compact Disk Read Only Memory
  3. CDFS - Compact Disk File System
  4. CMOS - Complementary Metal-oxide Semiconductor
  5. CNR - Communication and Network Riser
  6. CPU - Central Processing Unit
  7. CRT - Cathode-ray Tube
  8. DC - Direct Current
  9. DDOS - Distributed Denial of Service
  10. DoS - Denial of Service
  11. DDR - Double Data Rate
  12. DDR RAM - Double Data Rate Random Access Memory
  13. DDR SDRAM - Double Data Rate Random Access Memory
  14. DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
  15. DIMM - Dual Inline Memory Module
  16. DMA - Direct Memory Access
  17. DMZ - Demilitarized Zone
  18. DNS - Domain Name Server
  19. TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
  20. UDP - User Data-gram Protocol
  21. WAN - Wide Area Network
  22. LAN - Local Area Network
  23. IP - Internet Protocol
  24. FAST - File and Setting Transfer (XP Wizard)
  25. NOS - Network Operating System
  26. AFH - Adaptive Frequency Hopping
  27. DUN - Dial-Up Networking
  28. PoE - Power over Ethernet
  29. RRAS - Remote Routing Access Server
  30. VPN - Virtual Private Network
  31. WINPE - Windows Preinstalled Environment
  32. WINRE - Windows Recovery Environment
  33. ACT - Application Compatibility Toolkit
  34. SATA - Serial Advance Technology Attachment
  35. PATA - Parreral Advance Technology Attachment
  36. RoI - Return or Investment
  37. AHCI - Advanced Host Controller Interface
  38. FSB - Front Side Bus
  39. ZIF - Zero Insertion Force
  40. LIF - Light Insertion Force
  41. HIF - Heavy Insertion Force
  42. NAS - Network Attached Storage
  43. FTP - File Transfer Protocol - 20/21
  44. TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Protocol - 69
  45. SFTP - Secure Shell File Transfer Protocol - 115
  46. SSH - Secure Shell - 22
  47. SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - 25
  48. SMTPS - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Secure - 465
  49. HTTP - Hyper-transfer Protocol - 80
  50. HTTPS - Hyper-transfer Protocol Secure - 443
  51. POP3 - Post Office Protocol - 110
  52. NTP - Network Time Protocol - 123
  53. IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol - 143
  54. SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol - 161
  55. SMB - Server Message Block - 445
  56. RSH - Remote Shell - Remote Shell
  57. LDAP - Light-weight Directory Access - 389
  58. RDP - Remote Desktop Protocol - 3389
  59. RFB - Remote frame-buffer - 5900
  60. L2TP - Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol - 1701
  61. PPTP - Point to Point Tunneling Protocol - 1723